Energetic Antenna

No, not everyone is psychic.

Some may not agree with me, but not everyone is psychic or sensitive.

I understand why people who are sensitive and have these abilities would think EVERYONE does. They spent time working and developing the abilities that came naturally to them, and assume, “If I can do it anyone must be able to.”

There are other reasons people may want others to believe that everyone is psychic…

For the bargain price of $49.95, (or $999.95) they will “teach” you to be psychic!  If, after paying for this “education” you are unable to obtain or read energetic information, well, that’s on you.  You’re not working hard enough, or you’re “blocked” or “cursed” and for an additional fee, they will remove the block or curse. In other words, it’s a scam.

We are all born with our own personal, unique talents. 

For example, some people are great with numbers. They may develop their natural affinity for numbers, and with training and practice and may become mathematicians, accountants, statisticians, data analysts, etc.

Others are born with natural singing abilities. Though they are born with that natural talent, they will improve immensely with training and practice.  On the other hand, even if you aren’t born with that natural talent, while you can be taught to carry a tune, with proper breathing techniques, exercising your vocal cords, et cetera.  Will you ever sing like Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, or Adele?  Probably not. Personal aside, I had vocal training when I was young, and yet, the sound of my singing voice has be been likened to two angry crows fighting each other. While I love to sing, others prefer I only do this in a soundproof vault. It’s simply not MY talent.

It’s my belief that the same is true for people who are able to read energetic information. Here’s the good news for people who are reading this:

People who are not sensitive to reading energy, are not usually looking for information on how to best develop their abilities. In nearly all cases, if you are interested in this, it’s because you are PROBABLY sensitive.

This article is going to focus on how to begin developing your abilities. I have provided two worksheets in pdf format that can be printed for your personal use. The Symbolism worksheet will help you develop a common language for communicating basic concepts. The Intuitive Inventory worksheet will provide you a list of things to consider when you’re actively working to receive information. Please be sure to read the instructions and suggestions carefully, and the article on Psychic Self Protection, if you haven’t already.

For purposes of clarity, I will define some terms used throughout. There are many different belief systems, and I cannot cover all of the terminology appropriate to everyone. Your religious or spiritual beliefs are yours and belong to you. As not to offend or exclude, I will simplify some concepts into broader terms.

Energetic information: Refers to any non-physical information that is perceived or perceptible.

This may be from spirit, source, guides, situations, people, thoughts, etc.

Source: Refers to the source of the energetic information you receive.

This includes your higher-self, your higher power, deities, guides, cosmic energy, universal energy, etc.

The Clairs are common ways people receive energetic (non-physical) information.

  • Clairvoyance  (clear seeing)
  • Claircognizance (clear knowing)
  • Clairaudience (clear hearing)
  • Clairsentience  (clear feeling)
  • Clairalience  (clear smelling)

Let’s go over some of the basic abilities and you should consider what is familiar to you. Please note, you may have one, two or all three of these, and each of these can be broken down into further subcategories. Additionally, there are some common traits listed, of course there are myriad ways people sense information and not everything is covered.

Empath – An Empath is a person who experiences emotions, feelings and/or physical issues of others, as if they are their own. 

Common traits of an Empath:

  • Highly sensitive to emotions and feelings of others.
  • Feeling overwhelmed in crowds.
  • Often been told you’re “too sensitive.”
  • Overly generous with your time, emotions and/or energy.
  • Need a lot of “alone time” to reset and replenish your energy.
  • Exaggerated startle reflex. (Personally, VERY familiar with this one 🙂
  • You “just know” when the words of others are untrue or insincere.

Psychic – A Psychic has the ability to read energy around people, circumstances and situations from the past, present and/or future. 

Common traits of a Psychic:

  • Awareness of situations around people or places that are not “common sense.”
  • Ability to see energy around people, often referred to as an aura. 
  • You may see colors, lights or shimmer, like waves appearing over a hot road, static or pixelated waves.
  • You see symbols, names, numbers or images around people.
  • Vivid dreams that give information around events, past, present, or future.

Medium – A Medium is a person who can connect and communicate with spirits and beings on another plane.  All Mediums are Psychics, but not all Psychics are Mediums. 

Common traits of a Medium:

  • All of the Common Psychic traits listed, plus:
  • You see dead people.
  • You see, hear, feel, or otherwise communicate with spirits.
  • You may dream of spirits that have passed.

Obviously, these are very basic traits, and I’m sure I could have listed a dozen or more for each.

Whether you are an Empath, Psychic, and/or Medium, the best way to determine how YOUR skillsets function is to begin the work and practice, practice, practice.

How do symbols work for Psychics, Mediums or empaths?

Symbolism: one of the most basic forms of communicating energetic information. 

For empaths and psychics, it’s like giving your mind a shortcut to information.  For mediums, it can make it much easier for spirit to communicate when you have a library of symbols they may select from to communicate messages.

This Symbol worksheet has a list of common symbols, and your development task is to determine what they mean to you. You can download the Symbolism worksheet here.

Please note: these definitions are personal to me, you may interpret them differently. Remember, you are always in control. There are no “wrong” answers when you’re developing your personal symbol inventory. This is about you setting the meaning for your symbols and sticking to it.

Our first example will use the Airplane symbol as a sign for travel.

Symbols and colors work in psychic development - airplane example

A step further: Note that different colors may impact the meaning of the symbol, so you also want to be thinking about what various colors mean to you.

Let’s use the common traffic light colors, red, green and yellow, and consider how that may change the meaning of a symbol.

A red airplane may indicate travel cancellation. 

A green airplane may indicate the travel experience will be positive. 

A yellow airplane may indicate to use extra caution when traveling.

Our second example will use the heart as a symbol for love

When I see a heart, I note the color to determine what kind of love it’s referring to.  

A red heart represents romantic love.

A pink heart represents love of family.

A green heart indicates love of friends.  (This may depend on context, for example, if the person is asking about a new romantic relationship, green means Go!)

Symbols and colors work in psychic development - heart example

complete your own Symbolism worksheet

When you are ready to go through the Symbol worksheet, find a quiet place and quiet your mind.  You may find meditation helpful, and there are resources here.  Your meditation doesn’t need to be an hour of chanting, it may mean listening to calming music, walking outside, even washing dishes can be meditative, clearing your mind and doing tasks on autopilot.  Listening to a fountain or lighting candles are great too.  Anything that settles your mind can be meditation.

Set your intention that you will be defining your personal symbols and they will come to you easily.

Give yourself about 30 minutes of quiet time and go through the worksheet.  What is the first thought that comes to YOU when look at that symbol.  Write it down.  If you get stuck or aren’t sure, skip to the next.  The “easiest” ones are the best starting point, and then go back and look at the symbols you skipped.  If you have trouble with setting a meaning, just “Google” the symbol.  See if any of the terms listed jump out you.  These are YOUR symbols; they mean what you believe they mean.

There is an additional blank page for you to write in your own symbols.

Once you’ve completed the worksheet, make a note when you run across these symbols.

  • Did you see it in your mind’s eye or outside yourself? 
  • Did you see a particular symbol repeatedly?
  • How did that relate to the situation you were in when you saw it?
  • Write these down, dictate a note into your phone, and then go back and review.  Are there any patterns emerging?

Developing your intuition journaling worksheet

Let’s expand upon our symbol work with this Intuition Worksheet.

You can download the Intuition Worksheet here. Better yet, buy the Workbook

Please note that you should take precautions before attempting this exercise, as this is different from the symbolism exercise, in that you should have a strong psychic self-protection practice before you begin.  Check out this article “Psychic Protection For Empaths, Psychics And Mediums”  if you do not understand psychic protection and it’s impact on your development.

When you’re beginning as an Empath, Psychic or Medium it may feel like you’re losing your mind. You may have been told your abilities are simply your “imagination.”  Well, let’s see what can find out about that.

The first rule to get a handle on your Empathic, Psychic or Mediumship abilities is practice, practice, practice. 

In time, you won’t need a worksheet, it will become automatic.  I recommend keeping, at least, another daily journal where you note what did that day, people you ran into, events you attended, etc., to use for comparison later.

There are two ways that I recommend using this worksheet.  Pre-planned journaling sessions and spontaneous downloads.

A pre-planned journaling session would begin with setting aside time to meditate and settle your mind, as discussed in the symbolism exercise. 

You MUST set your intention, boundaries, and energetic shield BEFORE seeking energetic information. 

You must be ABSOLUTELY clear that any information should only be for your highest good, and is only allowed to come from your source, whether that is from cosmic or universal source, God, angels, guides, ancestors, deities, etc. Again, PLEASE READ THE PSYCHIC PROTECTION ARTICLE AND FOLLOW IT.

Before you begin your session, set your intention and write it at the top of the page. Don’t forget to include the date and time you’re conducting the session.

For example:

  • “What do I need to know, right now, for my highest good?”
  • “What do I need to learn about my abilities?”
  • “What potential obstacles to following my path (whatever path it may be) that I should be aware of?”

Once you have set your intention, begin your meditation practice. In the beginning, be sure to remember that meditating, for this purpose, is anything that allows you to quiet and settle your mind. 15 minutes will be sufficient.  When you have completed your meditation, begin to fill out the worksheet.

This should be done without too much “thinking.”  Don’t try to interpret the information as you’re going, just let the information flow through you and on to the page, even if it feels like nonsense.  You will have plenty of time for interpretation later, that’s part of your learning process.

There are prompts to make notes of how your body is feeling, numbers, names, shapes, music, symbols, etc.  Go through each item, they don’t need to be completed in order.  Fill out the areas of your strongest impressions first, and then work your way through the rest of the items.

In the beginning, you may not get as much information as you think you could/should/would, but this is the beginning of a process of exploring how your abilities work for you.  Remember, while there are commonalities among people who work with energetic information, we are all unique.  We have all had different experiences that have shaped how we personally receive, sense and interpret information.

In the beginning, try to do this at least 3-4 days per week.  At the end of each week, go back and review what you had written each day that week. Were there synchronicities or “coincidences” with things that actually happened throughout the week? Make any notes in a different color pen or pencil, and be sure to date any additional entries.

When you do your next weekly review, go back and look at the prior weeks, see if anything else come up.  Again, date any additional entries you make.  If you’re not already, you should be keeping a daily journal.  This also helps remind us of things that happened that we may forget, busy lives and all.

Using the Intuition Worksheet for spontaneous downloads

The second way to use this Intuitive Inventory worksheet is to address energetic information that comes to you spontaneously. I typically refer to this as a “download.” 

You may be going about your day and suddenly you’re having intrusive thoughts, feelings, emotions or other sensations that don’t seem to be yours. For example:

  • Are you profoundly sad or anxious for no reason? 
  • Suddenly fearful of things that don’t normally bother you? 
  • Are you suddenly filled with joy or love for, seemingly, no reason? 
  • Are you hearing chimes, ringing or tones in your ear you don’t usually hear? 
  • Are you thinking of someone specific that you haven’t thought of in a long time?

Pull out the worksheet and begin filling it out.  Don’t try to interpret anything, just let the information flow out of you.  If you’re not in a place where you can write, take out your phone and run through the worksheet verbally.  Once all the information is out of your head on the page, or in the recorder, you’re done.  Add it to the other sheets.  When you go back to review at the end of the week, note any differences in the context and accuracy of the information.

Tips for using the Intuition Worksheet to develop your Clairs

After you’ve had some time to practice using your worksheet to sense energetic information, you can use this exercise to start pumping up your Clair abilities. As a reminder…

The Clairs are common ways people receive energetic (non-physical) information.

  • Clairvoyance  (clear seeing)
  • Claircognizance (clear knowing)
  • Clairaudience (clear hearing)
  • Clairsentience  (clear feeling)
  • Clairalience  (clear smelling)

We all have ways we are “better” at receiving information, especially in the beginning.  You may find that it’s easier or more common for you to pick up energetic information clairvoyantly or clairsentiently, but want to develop your clairaudience or clairalience abilities.

You can set your intention, as above, and add, for example, “I will only receive information through clairaudience today.”  Pick a clair, any clair, and only write down what you received through that particular clair.  (I know, practice, practice, practice!)

Tip: If you’ve set your intention to only receive information through clairaudience, but you keep receiving information through your clairvoyance ability, say, “No, thank you. Today, I will receive information only through clairaudience.” And try again. It takes time to sharpen your senses, so be kind to yourself. If it doesn’t work out this time, try again later. Your Clairs are your energetic muscles and you need to work them out!

Are you picking up Psychic or energetic information in your dreams?

Using the Intuition worksheet can also be very helpful in remember your dreams. 

Many Empaths, Psychics and Mediums receive information in their dreams.  If you are a big dreamer, have this by your bed so you see it as soon as you wake up, and fill it out based on what happened during your dreamtime. You can write out your intention before you go to sleep.

Tonight, I will remember my dreams and have full recall when I wake up.

You can also set a more specific intention, such as,

  • “Tonight, I will dream about the things that move me forward along my path, and will remember them when I wake up”
  • “Tonight, I will dream about things that may be blocking me and how to resolve them, and will remember them when I wake up.”
  • “Tonight, I will dream about (state your question, issue, person, etc.) and will remember them when I wake up.”

When you wake up, fill out the worksheet with as many details as you can remember.

Finally, when you’re done receiving information, say thank you to your source, and set your new boundary that you are done receiving information.

“Thank you for this information, I’m no longer open to receiving additional information today. Your energy goes with you, my energy remains with me”

I tend to visualize flipping a light switch on or off when I’m opening or closing.

If you have any questions or are interested in further study and development, please reach out via the contact form

Psychic Development Circles for New Empaths, Psychics and Mediums who want to practice

I’m also scheduling a few Psychic Development Circles each week. I’m running both open (open to everyone) and closed (same members each week) development circles for those who would like to learn more about developing their abilities and practicing them, with others who are also interested in developing their skills in a supportive, non-judgmental environment. 

There are weekly day and night meetings, held online via Google Meet.  If you don’t see one that fits your schedule, please contact me, as I’m trying to accommodate various schedules.  Each Circle will have only 5-8 people, and last 1 ½ to 2 hours, so that everyone has an opportunity to participate.

You can also order the comprehensive workbook “Tuning Your Energetic Antenna, Intuition Development Workbook: Discover and Develop Your Energetic Reading Abilities for Intuitives, Empaths, Psychics, Mediums and Other Energy Readers” This is available in an 8.5″x11″ workbook. Document, review and evaluate to learn what receiving energetic information feels to you.

If you have questions or comments, please leave them below or submit them privately via contact form. Also be sure to check out the Resources page, which is updated each week or so with new FREE resources for you to continue on your learning path.

Tuning your Energetic Antenna

Tuning Your Energetic Antenna
Intuition Development Workbook

You can also order the comprehensive workbook “Tuning Your Energetic Antenna, Intuition Development Workbook: Discover and Develop Your Energetic Reading Abilities for Intuitives, Empaths, Psychics, Mediums and Other Energy Readers” This is available in an 8.5″x11″ workbook. Document, review and evaluate to learn what receiving energetic information feels to you.

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