“How do I protect myself from Psychic Attack?”

Before we begin, you must believe that these things are TRUE:

  • You are in control and you have the power to protect yourself.
  • You are in control of setting your intentions.
  • You are in control of setting your boundaries.

Let’s define “psychic attack.” I believe that thoughts are energy. We know that the First Law of Thermodynamics says that energy cannot be created or destroyed, HOWEVER, the energy CAN be CHANGED.

Suppose you have a former friend, lover, colleague, rival, etc., who is obsessing about you, or otherwise wishing you harm. They are sending out their negative thoughts, (**energy**) and directing it at you. They don’t need to have any particular “super powers” to do that, they may not even intend to “send” that to you, however, and particularly if you are empathic or sensitive, you will receive it, unless you have set your intention to block this negativity.

Other times, it may be people with a generally negative disposition around you, or even someone who is depressed or simply having a bad day. This negative energy can have a dramatic impact on a person with sensitivities. We are like energetic sponges, and we have to train ourselves to shield against this.

In a nutshell, you have to do 3 things.

1. Set your intention.
2. define your boundaries.
3. employ visualization.

I will describe several methods of protecting yourself and your energy. Each one of them requires that you set your intention, define your boundaries and visualize the method of protection. As with all things, the more you practice, the better you will get at visualization, setting intentions and defining boundaries. Eventually, with practice, these things will become your “default” settings.

What is setting my intention?

Setting your intention is the basis for success in anything, including psychic or energetic protection. Empaths, Sensitives, Psychics and Mediums may need these methods at different times or for different purposes, but the methodology is basically the same.

Daily well-being intention:

“Today, I allow only positive energies, for the highest and best good for myself and for others, into my personal space. Any negative energies are returned to the sender with love and light.”

Now, you may think, why am I sending back negative stuff with love and light? Why can’t I send send it back with a little kick to their bum?

Because, my darling humans, negativity like that doesn’t serve you. Particularly if you’re sensitive to energy, which is why you’re probably reading this in the first place, why would you create more negativity? Even worse, why would you want to create that negativity and then leave it rolling around in your own head? Let it goooooooooooooooo.

When someone treats us poorly, that’s on them. Don’t hold grudges, learn your lesson and move on. I know, it’s easy for me to say that from the comfort of my keyboard. But I’ve lived a lot of life, and from what I’ve learned about myself and others through experience and observation, holding a grudge only hurts the grudge-holder. It takes up your time, thoughts, emotions, feelings, ENERGY, and accomplishes nothing. Take your lesson, make peace with it, cherish what you’ve learned, wish them well and don’t think of them again. If you find your mind wandering to them, wish them love again, and move your mind away from them. (Rinse and repeat, then repeat again!)

An Empath or Sensitive may need to do one, or more, of these exercises several times per day until they become automatic. We are constantly encountering and absorbing the energy of others. Their thoughts, feelings and emotions are vibrating in the space around us all the time. Remember Pigpen form Peanuts?

Psychic protection is not just one practice. Depending on your sensitivities, you may need to employ a few different measures, until you find the combination that works most effectively for you.

The following exercises will help to protect and cleanse your energy.

Shower cleanse

This is one of my personal favorites. I take a shower every morning, so this is the perfect time to start the day off right. At the end of every shower, I cover myself in suds, holding the thought that I am washing any and all negative energy, thoughts, feelings and emotions.

“I am washing away all negative energy, I watch it go down the drain and away from me, making room for all of the good, positive energy and light to fill the space around me.”

Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it. A simple practice like this can make a big difference, particularly when combined with some of the practices that follow.

You can also do a modified version of this throughout the day. Even the simple act of washing your hands, while using the same visualization and intention of,

“I am washing away all negative energy, I watch it go down the drain and away from me, making room for all of the good, positive energy and light to fill the space around me.”

If you shower before bed, even better. Doing this exercise before bed, especially if you have trouble sleeping, can be very impactful.

Setting your energetic shield

We all have natural energetic boundaries, even when we aren’t consciously thinking about it. Sometimes, we don’t even realize it until someone has crossed it. We may refer to it as our aura or “personal space.”

We’ve all been in the situation where we’ve encountered, for example, a “close-talker.” (Thanks, Seinfeld!) We’re having a conversation and suddenly realize that the person has gotten “too close” and they are now invading our personal space. We may back ourselves up instinctively, or the bolder among us may ask the other person to back up.

Did you ever notice how some people can get into your personal space, and it doesn’t bother you, but another person can be 5 feet away and still feel too close? Our energies may mesh with some people comfortably and others not so much. We may not consciously know the reason, our instinct kicks in and does the work for us.

By setting an energetic field around us, we can stop negative or excessive energy from bombarding us. You have the power to stop unwanted energy from coming at you, or influencing your thoughts, emotions, feelings and energy.

Step one: Set your intention.

“Today my energy is positive and filled with love and light.”

Step 2: Set your boundaries.

“Any negativity is sent back to its source with love and kindness.”

Step 3: Visualization

Set your protective shield. Visualize golden white light coming from the sun, universe, God, or other cosmic source and surrounding you. You can feel the warmth of the protective, nurturing light surrounding you. Visualize a bubble forming around, through which nothing negative can pass. Thoughts, emotions and energies of others cannot pass through without your express permission.

If you have trouble with this visualization, try visualizing the sun shining down on you and filling your space with warm, healing light. If the sun in your visualization isn’t giving you enough light, visualize a second sun, shining even more healing, positive, loving light. Need more light? Visualize a third sun shining down. You are in control, you can do this.

If throughout the day you find that your shield is fading, or you forgot about it all together, take three deep, cleansing breath. Breathe in loving, positive, healing, creative energy. Then exhale anxiety, fear, worry and other negativity.

Then visualize your shield becoming stronger, thicker, with the light of the universe surrounding you once again.

In the beginning you may want to set a reminder to check your shield every few hours, particularly when you’re feeling vulnerable. Remember, an ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure.

If you find someone coming to mind that you are energetically done with, picture that person, wherever they are, and visualize a wall of mirrors between you that person. The mirrors should be facing away from you and toward that person. Set the intention,

“Your energy goes back to you and my energy stays with me.”

Protective crystals and stones

When selecting a stone for protection, if possible, go to a store with a good selection of stones. Pick them up, touch them, and select whatever makes you feel protected. We are all different and different stones will resonate differently with different people.

If you don’t have the time, opportunity or inclination to try out different stones, in my experience, 2 of the best stones for protection and dissipating negative energy are Black Tourmaline and Black Obsidian.

Many people believe in the healing energies of various stones and crystals. Even if you do not, having that stone or crystal with you can work as a gentle reminder that protecting your energy is a priority for you. So whether you keep it in your pocket, on your desk, on a piece of jewelry, or even in your bra, it will serve as a reminder to check your energy.

Cleansing your space

Palo Santo is my preferred method of removing stagnant or negative energy from my personal space. Bonus – during these hot Texas summer months, it also repels mosquitoes! I like the smell of it and burn it before each and every reading. It has become the scent of spiritual reset for me. You can pick up this wood just about anywhere online, just check with the seller to make sure it’s sustainably harvested.


Running your energy and grounding.

This is a fantastic way to ground and get an energetic reset. This is another practice that should be done daily, and even a few times per day. One of the 5% of real, actual psychic mediums you can find on the internet is James VanPragh. He has a great description of grounding and running your energy, so I will leave his short meditation video here.


Easy Qi Gong Routine for Anxiety and Stress – w/ Jeffrey Chand

I cannot overstate the benefits of Qigong! Don’t take my word for it, give it one week – 10 minutes a day – and see how you feel.

Qigong, pronounced “chi gong,” was developed in China thousands of years ago as part of traditional Chinese medicine. It involves using exercises to optimize energy within the body, mind, and spirit, with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being.

For a super easy introduction to this practice, I recommend ThinkVitalityQiGong on YouTube. I enjoy the way he teaches and presents the various moves. If he’s not your vibe, there are dozens of skilled practitioners putting out high quality content on YouTube. Find someone you like and just do it!

This is a very basic introduction to Psychic Self Protection. I will post updates as time allows. If you have a suggestion for additional practice, please reach out via the Contact form.

I have additional meditations and books listed here. They’re all free!

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